light – SOLC 2017 #16

Our yard looks so barren this time of year. We have trimmed back last year’s growth. Maybe it is the spirit of anticipation that makes what we have now look so stark. Here’s a view of our fence:

Our plants are waiting for new growth, just as we are. By the way, how many crepe myrtles do you see here?

There are two. The second one is behind the iron urn, but what hides it even more is the darkness of the shadow. The darkness covers up things. And “Darkness can not drive out darkness: only light can do that.”  Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each day, as I wake to the morning’s light, I am thankful that the night has passed and that the light has come.

We are called to be light in a dark world. We cannot not do this on our own “power.” But we have a source that lights our way and helps us spread light to others.

I hope your day today is filled with light, and love, and all good things.

8 thoughts on “light – SOLC 2017 #16

  1. Donna Smith says:

    Wishing you plenty of His Light today!
    Check your last image – “we are a holy people” lightbulb one. It didn’t get embedded.

  2. Ramona says:

    I love that we’re on the other side of winter’s dark days, climbing out of the cave. Like you, I love the morning light and He who is the light of the world. Thanks for this post.

  3. Beautiful connection! To plant a garden is also to believe in the power of tomorrow. Glad to see you see darkness and light in such enlightening ways.

  4. Thank you for this beautiful writing about light and the Light!

  5. jet197 says:

    You included such nice and positive quotes in this blog. You look at the picture of your yard and see what is not yet there. I look and love the wonderful, strong pattern the shadow across the fence made.

  6. travelinma says:

    Oh boy…..being a light is forever on my mind with the state of the world. Thank you for this gentle post. We do make a difference.

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