a man and his mower SOLC23 #21

For seventeen years we lived in a house with quite a small yard. My husband was happy to say that he could cut, trim, and use the blower on the entire yard in less than one hour. It was a great yard to have during that time in our lives – an era of of long hours of work, raising children, and trying to fit in a few other pieces of life here and there.

When my husband retired a few years ago, he was so happy to have time to spend outdoors. Our little yard was “an easy fix,” and he soon began cutting an older, disabled neighbor’s yard, too. Still he had time on his hands.

When we bought our new/old house (with its 1+ acre yard) last year, things changed. The previous owners had a “yard man” who had cut for them for years. As we were living out of town during the remodel, we also employed “Timmy’s” company (and “Ricky” who actually cut the grass) and were pleased with the job they did.

My husband and I had discussions on whether or not to continue with them or get our own riding mower so he could cut the yard himself. Our decision was made for us when the county decided we needed to have a back-up septic system site (which is an entirely different long story).

For months now (and months to come) our yard is (and will be) dotted with a grid of stakes placed by the surveyors and soil scientists that we have employed to secure that second septic site. And that is just TOO MUCH to expect any hired yard company to maneuver around.

So we are the proud owners of a new Cub Cadet.

In typical fashion, my husband researched several options and chose what he decided would be the best mower for our yard and our budget. Yesterday he put “Cubbie” to the test. It passed with flying colors.

And made an outdoorsman very happy to be back at work.

One thought on “a man and his mower SOLC23 #21

  1. I’m glad he’s enjoying his new ride. Sometimes I wish I had one of those.

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