turnaround – SOLC 2017 #14

How can we be almost halfway through the 2017 SOL writing challenge?

I remain as anxious, excited, and enthusiastic as I was that first day. Plus, as each day passes,  I have become a little bit more comfortable with digging deep and sharing from within. Even now, it is hard to imagine a day without writing.

Previously, one of my excuses for not writing much was that I had been reading – a lot. Yes, I was building vocabulary, being inspired, and getting lost in a story, but I wasn’t sharing my own voice.

What’s funny is now that I have been bitten again by the writing bug, I am not finding much time for reading. (Thankfully I had already read this month’s book club’s selection before March began.)

I am looking forward – with reading/writing as well as so many pieces of my life – to finding that perfect balance.


4 thoughts on “turnaround – SOLC 2017 #14

  1. arjeha says:

    It is hard to believe that we are just about half way through the March Challenge. I think we are all bitten by that writing bug during the month. Isn’t it wonderful?

  2. mrssurridge says:

    I wish for every minute we spent reading, we would get an extra minute in the day to spend time writing. Then we wouldn’t have to choose…

  3. Suzanne says:

    My intention is always to put aside a consistent part of the day just for writing, hasn’t happened yet. But I have doubled my reading time by listening to a book in my car on the way to and from school, so that’s progress!

  4. I, too, can’t believe we’re at that halfway point. We prepare and prepare for this month for MONTHS and then it just flies by!

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