giving thanks #20

My thankfulness continues into the new year.

Sunsets are a glorious gift from God. Each is unique, yet in its own way every single one provides beauty, closure, and promise. Sunsets light up our lives. They encourage us to pause, to breathe deeply, both in and out, to absorb, and to be filled with peace.

On a busy day I often get so caught up in the “to-do’s” that I forget to consider the “well-done’s.” A stunning sunset will catch my eye and remind me of all that has been good in this day and all the beauty in this flawed world. The last, long, color-tinted rays of the sun that that fill every nook and cranny as the sun slides from the sky – this presence covers the fields, the trees, the buildings and the people with a golden glow of contented fulfillment.  Brian Andreas of Story People writes this of the time following sunset: “My favorite time of day is just at dark when all thoughts  of what must be done stop & small pools of light come alive on tired faces everywhere.”  Sunset, followed by twilight, is my favorite time of day, too.

lake sunset

Each and every time the colors in the sky are almost indescribable – brilliant and subdued at the same time. Covering everything and filling the very air with a benediction for a day well-lived. Catching my breath and reminding me that I am so small and God is so very big.

I am so thankful.

4 thoughts on “giving thanks #20

  1. Donna Smith says:

    I can barely comment. I just feel like staring at the words like a sunset, and taking them all in – the stunningly brilliant and subdued. It’s a poem really. Thank you for your gift of words today.

  2. rosecappelli says:

    Your descriptions are as beautiful as the sunsets themselves. I love considering the sunset as a benediction on the day.Thank you for this beautiful post.

  3. Great reminder to stop and enjoy the gifts nature gives us. I can’t wait for my next sunset moment!

  4. elsie says:

    Sunrise is pretty, but sunsets are even more spectacular. What a treat to experience at the end of the day. I think the colors and light give renewed energy to the evening. Beautiful photo!

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