thankful for the in’s and out’s – solc #9

Today my husband and I had breakfast at a tasty bakery, Merridee’s. It is a small local place, with blue checked tablecloths and rough wood floors. Our meal was delicious, as always.

This morning we sat by two couples who were deep in conversation about their church lives. The older man and wife seemed to be mentoring the younger ones, and although we didn’t try to follow the entire course of their words, we couldn’t help but overhear lots of advice given about establishing and running a church in today’s world.

Hearing this made me thankful for two things. First, I appreciate the people who do all the planning and behind-the-scenes work to make the spiritual as well as the business parts of our church come together. Secondly, I am glad someone else does that besides me.

Through the years we have had various leadership roles in our church, and we tried our best to do as God led. There always came a point, however, where the work overshadowed the worship, and in our all-too-human way, we felt as if the level of our involvement precluded our relationship with the Lord.

At this point in our lives we do contribute, but we are also able to focus on God and growing our relationship with Him. And we can truly celebrate the joy of our salvation. Now we have time to spread that good news to others outside our circle of believers. I am thankful for that.

And I am glad that others seem to thrive in the more direct leadership roles, too. I am thankful for the good work they do.

11 thoughts on “thankful for the in’s and out’s – solc #9

  1. I hope those in leadership roles in your circle have a chance to read this post, to be supported in their efforts. Thanks for acknowledging their work, and finding gratitude in small moments.

  2. elsie says:

    There is a time and a place where you serve best. I am thankful I could, but also that when I stepped aside someone else was able to step in and continue the work.

  3. elle1955 says:

    It is nice of you to take the time to think about the people behind the machine. They often go unnoticed.

  4. Tara Smith says:

    I think we each need to step up when the time is right and do our part, and then know when it’s time to step aside and let others lead. All in good time, right?

  5. We have to get together…because Dave and I were discussing this very thing this morning. There are times and things that God is definitely telling us to move away from. There really are seasons…xo

  6. Shelley K says:

    Yes, I’m thankful, too, for all those behind-the-scenes people at church and in other places. They often go unnoticed, but I think will be rewarded one day…

  7. Kristen says:

    Noticing and being thankful is role now. We all have a time and place to give back.

  8. Lauren says:

    It is great when people’s talents, passions, and gifts are used for Glory in the church. Glad you have found your place and are giving thanks to others. So refreshing!

  9. alwriting says:

    Ah, the value of eavesdropping to the writer within. We write with our ears. It enabled you to ponder on how leadership takes many forms and we all need guidance and affirmation.

  10. jen b. says:

    There is nothing better than realizing God’s gifts for each of us, and watching people around us grow in those areas. Thank you for noticing and contributing to your community!

  11. Paul says:

    Knowing who you are, where you are, and thus where you can best contribute is a sign of great wisdom. This is wise writing.

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