blown away SOLC23 #3

The wind is just ferocious today. Trees are down, power is off, cars are tossed across the interstate – yet looking outside the sky is now a beautiful blue with puffy clouds skittering across it. True, we had quite a rain earlier. Yet I am used to strong winds before a storm, not lingering afterwards. Fortunately these blasts are forecasted to end soon.

I am blown away by the power of weather. Just a sigh from God today, not His full breath, but so forceful. And there’s nothing we can do to stop it – just batten down and hold on. And be thankful for this clearing and cleaning of the air.


Somehow a touch of spring brings out the little bit of poet resting inside me, and on a day like today this rhyme comes to mind:

The busy wind is out today, a’blowing all the clouds away. 

And chasing butterflies and bees. And making music in the trees.

My kite it carries far and high ‘Til it is lost up in the sky.

Truth is, this isn’t exactly how I remembered this verse, it was more like “a’chasin’ kites and cares away,” but this is probably the original. I’ll try to remember it the “right” way.

I am blown away by how hard it was to find this snippet of poem through Google. In fact, I had to use Duck, Duck, Go to even get this much. I thought this would be a staple of children’s poetry, but I guess that just shows how old I am. Lots of years – and new poems – between the time I first learned this and now. Even so, I’ll still try to teach it to my grandchildren.


I attended another funeral today (just as I did yesterday). Another precious soul gone from this earth too soon, yet resting in the arms of Jesus after a pain-filled journey here on this earth.

I am blown away by her joyous celebration of life. She was in my Bible study group and was always very quiet. Sadly, I never knew what she looked like healthy. Her strength and determination to be there were admired by us all, especially when we knew it wasn’t easy for her. But the service today revealed a dear woman who was active in her church (again through pain), was dedicated to her family, always found the good in life, and smiled through every day she was here. And oh, how she loved the Lord, and wanted others to know Him, too. Such a witness her life was – may we all be more like Nancy.

2 thoughts on “blown away SOLC23 #3

  1. We had a very windy and rainy day, even a little thunder and lightning.

    Sorry today was another funeral. Yes, we should be more like Nancy.

  2. I like how you connected the weather with your slice and used the blown-away repetition. I am sorry about your friend. She sounds like a very special person.

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