a recurring book

Hi friend,

Hope this finds you and yours doing well in these challenging times. We are all doing fine, and I am thankful.

Goodness, I miss seeing you! I’m ready for a return to the carefree days when we could go and hear authors and travel to your beautiful home to enjoy each other’s company. Hopefully those better days will come back again soon.

I wanted to tell you a funny story. Remember that book that our friend recommended – and both you and I started it but just couldn’t get into it? I tried, and I know you did, but I finally gave up. I actually gave my copy away, as I knew I’d rather spend time reading something else – anything else! Well, I’ll get back to that book in a minute.

A member in my other book club saw that the bookstore was offering a session on “Book Club Reading Suggestions,” and she asked me to attend with her. It was a good evening, back in the “good ol’ days,” and we came away with some brochures and papers that featured recommended books and their summaries.

I had hit a dry spot in my reading so I pulled out those papers and read through LOTS of book suggestions.  I don’t always seem to like what is currently trending, so I quickly narrowed down my choices to three books. I decided to order the first one for my Kindle, and started on it right away.

I got about three chapters in and had this familiar feeling… Where had I heard of these characters and situations before?

Yep, you guessed it. It was the same book that you and I didn’t care for – the one I had previously discarded. Ugh. Now I’m committed to read it – I suppose.

I wish my memory were better. Sometimes I think I could own about five books and just reread them all from time to time, since I obviously can’t remember much about titles and plots. I would definitely save money, that’s for sure!

Take care, stay well, and let me know what you are reading these days.

Miss you!

6 thoughts on “a recurring book

  1. Ruth Ayres says:

    I’ve been hopping onto some blogs that I’ve not visited for awhile and I am so glad to see you are still writing. I like the letter format of a post…I’ve not done that for awhile and I think it changes the writing that comes.
    Shine on,

    • Thank you for reading – and responding! I am forever grateful for the work you did in starting Two Writing Teachers, because the March Writing Challenge is what enabled me to fulfill one of my long term dreams – to write.

  2. Isn’t it nice that literature and books can tie people together? I just shared an Emily Dickinson poem on enduring friendships with an old friend. Shared ideas and experiences with literature add richness to our friendships. Thank you for your post!

  3. JudyK /J Koval says:

    Ha! My memory is like yours. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve begun reading a book, get well into it and am enjoying it, but life gets really busy and I have to stop reading it for a couple of months. Then when I have time to get back to it, I can’t remember any of it and have to start over from the beginning. It’s so annoying. ;-P ~JudyK

  4. I love the foreshadowing that you set up in the beginning, so as a reader I could see where you were headed. 🙂 My grandmother used to write her initial lightly in the back of library books so she could remember which books she’d already read. It was fun to feel like I was getting to “eavesdrop” on your letter to a friend.

  5. Ameliasb says:

    Funny – but it does have me realizing I could finally be part of a zoom book club because my schedule has opened up!

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