that moment came again – SOLSC Tuesday

Every time we go out on our boat – every single time – there is a moment when I have a tremendous feeling of serenity.

Knowing that this is right where I need to be.

Realizing that it is but one tiny moment in time.

Accepting that it may never come again.

Rejoicing that it is here right now.

My heart is full and my soul breathes a deep sigh – of contentment, and of peace.

This past weekend we went out on the boat for the first time this season. The days at the cabin had been a bit more hectic. The passengers were not the usual crowd. The weather was not the best.

At one point our granddaughter and I were sitting alone together in the back of the boat, watching the wake and taking in the water and the sky. It was her first boat ride, and she was sitting in my lap.

And then there was that moment, as always, when joy overtook me. I let go of me and realized how glorious this world is and how precious its Creator is to me.

Madison settled in. I believe she felt it too.

Madison and her mom, our daughter Beth

Madison and her mom, our daughter Beth

7 thoughts on “that moment came again – SOLSC Tuesday

  1. margaretsmn says:

    Capture joy moments! Love your picture.

  2. Rhonda Hayes says:

    Loved your post….especially the way you began each phrase….knowing, realizing, accepting, and rejoicing.

  3. Sara Renae says:

    So beautiful you get to share these serene moments with your granddaughter 🙂

  4. newtreemom says:

    A moment of joy, recognized, captured in writing, and shared. Perfect.

  5. Reading your writing was so calming. You created a sense of peace with your words that I took away from reading your piece. Just beautiful. I wish I had been on the boat with you. I was in my mind. Enjoy that boat this summer!

  6. Terje says:

    It’s a gift to have moments like these. World is a glorious place indeed.

  7. Linda Baie says:

    Nothing better than a granddaughter on your lap! Happy for you that you had this moment!

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