boats in trucks

Our family has always been a group of do-it-yourselfers. My husband is very knowledgeable about how to make, repair, extend, incorporate, build, plant, create, rejuvenate, craft, produce, design, construct, and generally get it done. He often hesitates to ask someone to do a job for us because, as he says, “I can do it better myself.” Which is generally true.

One of our unwelcome specialties through the years has been moving. My mother used to say that moving was one of the “dirtiest words” in the English language and I have to agree. Yet, out of necessity as well as thrift (i.e., being cheap), we have moved ourselves countless times. We started out our married life in a duplex, then an apartment, and then a starter home. After that we have been blessed to build three houses, and each time we sold our home and rented a house during the building process. (Are you counting the moves?)

Now we live in a home we did not build, but we still had to move here, too. We always hire the local small town movers for “the big stuff,” but that’s a relative term. We have also moved our children in and out of college living spaces, helped our daughter and son-in-law with a couple of moves, moved our parents two or three times each, and my husband’s grandmother twice. We have even moved from one cabin at the lake to another.

So, being both professional relocaters as well as do-it-yourselfers, you can imagine how we decided to get a couple of small boats from our home to our cabin at the lake. Both boats were acquired for a minimal price, and both were brought to our house by friends. We used their methods – shown below – and moved the boats in the back of a truck.

Now it just remains to be seen how we will get the boats down to the water…


7 thoughts on “boats in trucks

  1. Ruth Ayres says:

    I love the way your history of moves connected to the boats. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them this summer.

  2. Terje says:

    I hope that moving the boats goes smoothly.

  3. elsie says:

    That’s an interesting problem your have. Holy cow that boat sticks out a long way! I echo sentiments on moving, I do not enjoy the process either. I loved your list of verbs in the first paragraph. That made me laugh.

  4. Dana says:

    Oh my – I was picturing driving behind you with that bottom boat sticking out. That would be quite the sight! They look like fun though! I enjoyed your stories of moving.

  5. Tara says:

    You are brave folks! Good luck with those awesome looking boats.

  6. pamelahodges says:

    make, repair, extend, incorporate, build, plant, create, rejuvenate, craft, produce, design, construct, and generally get it done
    Loved the list. Did you leave any out?
    If you had described the boats in detail in the trucks. I would not have believed you. I LOVE the photographs. Too funny.

  7. Anita says:

    I can totally connect to your thrifty do-it-yourselfer family. We too are do-it-yourself movers and worker-bees! I smiled as I saw the boat pictures wondering how we will move our cane, small tractor….ect….The last time we moved, my husband drove the lawn tractor over back roads with a sign (like the AMish use for their buggies)indicating slow moving vehicle…..sure wish I had a picture of that…..great memories for OUR kids!

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